The HFES BIPOC Affinity Group has been off to a steady start.
The HFES BIPOC Affinity Group has been off to a steady start.
Since 2021, we have:
Since 2021, we have:
Hosted Our First Webinar
Hosted Our First Webinar
Advised HFES Diversity & Inclusion Committee
Advised HFES Diversity & Inclusion Committee
To ensure diversity & inclusivity within the society, most recently working on the Seed Grants Targeting the Intersections of HF/E and Anti-Racism/Anti-Bias.
Helped Representatives & Liaisons Committee
Helped Representatives & Liaisons Committee
Established Collaborative MOUs with AISES, NSBE, and SHPE.
Thank you to our sponsors!
Thank you to our sponsors!
Generous donations from our community